In the fast-paced world of today, where technology and innovation continue to evolve, safeguarding your possessions (See All Our Systems Here), especially high-value investments like motorcycles, is paramount. Datatag, a leading provider of forensic marking, offers a comprehensive system to protect your bike against theft. Often, our systems are already fitted to motorcycles, so let’s delve into the vital reasons why customers should re-register their systems when purchasing a new-to-them bike.

Employing cutting-edge technology, including unique identification methods and tamper-evident decals, Datatag security systems create a link between you and your bike. In the unfortunate event of theft, law enforcement can identify your motorcycle using these unique IDs, however, if you haven’t re-registered the Datatag system into your name, it can delay how quickly and efficiently your pride & joy can be returned. This is why keeping Datatag’s database up-to-date is crucial for effective security measures.

Re-registering your Datatag system is a simple yet critical step. It ensures that the current owner’s information is associated with the bike, maintaining the integrity of the security system. This accuracy is vital for law enforcement agencies to cross-reference information and facilitate the recovery process as motorcycles can change hands multiple times throughout their lifespan.

In the dynamic world of motorcycle ownership, staying ahead of potential risks is key to a secure and enjoyable riding experience. Make sure you Lock It, Tag It AND Track It. Utilizing as many layers of security as possible gives your pride & joy the best chance against the theft epidemic!

Datatag Re-Registration